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It would be really useful to be able to set confirmButtonDisabled and cancelButtonDisabled (both booleans) to diable the respective buttonts on the ConfirmationDialog component.

@somehats just wanted to tag you in case you missed this 🙂

Hi @Andy_Cloke,

Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve added this to our list of potential future SDK enhancements. I’ll keep this thread updated, or you can keep an eye on the SDK changelog here: blocks/ at master · Airtable/blocks · GitHub

@Andy_Cloke this has been added to the latest version of the SDK, 1.5.0: blocks/ at master · Airtable/blocks · GitHub

The props are called isCancelButtonDisabled and isConfirmButtonDisabled. They are optional and default to false. The API docs will be updated with these new props shortly.
