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I’ve been playing around with the scripting block, while learning Java script.

I’m trying to make a script to generate pivot tables.

I’m a little stock on understanding why my output.table(tableArray) in below code doesn’t make a nice table similar to my test table? Anyone that can see from my output what I’m doing wrong?

const table = base.getTable('report');

let queryResult = await table.selectRecordsAsync();


//Row names

let nameArray = m]

for (let record of queryResult.records){


nameArray.push(record.getCellValue('Select Name')e0].name)


const uniqueNames = Set(nameArray)];


//Coloumn names

let itemsArray = m]

for (let record of queryResult.records){

itemsArray.push(record.getCellValue('Working on'))


const uniqueItems = Set(itemsArray)]


//Make Rows

let tableArray = l];

for(let i=0; i<uniqueNames.length; i++ ){

let categories = => {

return (' '+ record + ': ' + '£0')


nameItem = uniqueNamesui]

tableArray.push(`{Name/Item: ${nameItem}, ${categories}}`);




//Outcome - Test table


{'Name/Item': 'John', Car: '', Bus: '£34', Scooter: '', '':''},

{'Name/Item': 'Dan', Car: '£32', Scooter: '£70', '':''},

{'Name/Item': 'Theo', Bus: '£90', Car: '£50'},


My output:

Yes, the first two arrays are simply data values, whereas, the pretty one is an array of JSON objects. And output.table() want’s an array of JSON objects.

Yes, the first two arrays are simply data values, whereas, the pretty one is an array of JSON objects. And output.table() want’s an array of JSON objects.

Thank you @Bill.French, still early days on my Java Script journey.

Thank you for taking your time to answer my questions.

I got it to work passing real objects, i naively thought I could just put a string with some curly braces and an object would appear.

I got it to work with making a few for loops. Is there an easier/more straight forward way to do the below?

//Make Rows

let tableArray = y]

for(let i=0; i<uniqueNames.length; i++ ){

let obj= {};

obj 'Name/Item']=uniqueNamesai];

for(let i=0; i<uniqueItems.length; i++){

obj uniqueItemsti]]=0;





Thank you @Bill.French, still early days on my Java Script journey.

Thank you for taking your time to answer my questions.

I got it to work passing real objects, i naively thought I could just put a string with some curly braces and an object would appear.

I got it to work with making a few for loops. Is there an easier/more straight forward way to do the below?

//Make Rows

let tableArray = []

for(let i=0; i<uniqueNames.length; i++ ){

let obj= {};


for(let i=0; i<uniqueItems.length; i++){






No, I think that’s pretty elegant. And to add - the best code is neither elegant or correct; it is maintainable and understandable mostly by you.

No, I think that’s pretty elegant. And to add - the best code is neither elegant or correct; it is maintainable and understandable mostly by you.

@Bill.French, do you know if there is any way to style the output table?

I’ve been trying different things with markdown, however I don’t really seem to be getting anywhere.

@Bill.French, do you know if there is any way to style the output table?

I’ve been trying different things with markdown, however I don’t really seem to be getting anywhere.

Nope; not that I’m aware. Until they open access to the DOM and CSS in the script frame, this will be a challenge. It demonstrates the stark difference between Script Blocks and Custom Blocks.

The issue is security; any script block with unabated access to HTML, CSS, and the DOM could allow nefarious stuff to creep in and attack the entire Airtable infrastructure.

The only approach I have imagined is using script to generate images that render precise and well-formed displays of content.

Nope; not that I’m aware. Until they open access to the DOM and CSS in the script frame, this will be a challenge. It demonstrates the stark difference between Script Blocks and Custom Blocks.

The issue is security; any script block with unabated access to HTML, CSS, and the DOM could allow nefarious stuff to creep in and attack the entire Airtable infrastructure.

The only approach I have imagined is using script to generate images that render precise and well-formed displays of content.

I guess I’ll have to work towards graduating to use Custom Blocks.

Nope; not that I’m aware. Until they open access to the DOM and CSS in the script frame, this will be a challenge. It demonstrates the stark difference between Script Blocks and Custom Blocks.

The issue is security; any script block with unabated access to HTML, CSS, and the DOM could allow nefarious stuff to creep in and attack the entire Airtable infrastructure.

The only approach I have imagined is using script to generate images that render precise and well-formed displays of content.

Thanks for that info Bill, Scripts are great, but I guess I too will start to investigate Custom Apps/Blocks due to the output text/colour format limitations of scripts.

I was hoping their might be away to add row colour to every odd row of an output table, but doesn’t appear so. 😦

Thanks for that info Bill, Scripts are great, but I guess I too will start to investigate Custom Apps/Blocks due to the output text/colour format limitations of scripts.

I was hoping their might be away to add row colour to every odd row of an output table, but doesn’t appear so. 😦

Ya’ know - the earth has traveled 584 million miles since this thread was created and despite that, there’s still no remedy. :winking_face: Ironically, we’re back in the same location in space so, in a sense - we’re standing still.
