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Hello all,

I am new to Airtable. I am building automations but have no idea of scripting.

Maybe someone can help me with my issue.

I have 3 tables:

1. Projects (here I group linked operations)

2. Operations (these are all operations)

3. Products (these are products which are included in operations.

4. BOM (bill of material for invoices)

Project is linked to operations via PROJECT_ID.

Operations is linked to Products via PRODUCT_ID and projects via PROJECT_ID.

Products is linked to BOM via PRODUCT_ID.

I want to have this kind of logic:

When record is created in operations, with operation type "Sales", where product is not empty,

I want to search all entries for this product in BOM table, and copy all entries to Operations table, with link to the same project.

Is it even possible? Any help on how to do this kind of stuff?


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