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Hi everyone! Let me preface by saying I’m a non-developer diving into the scripting block in order to make our base more efficient. I’ve looked through a bunch of the examples on here already and don’t think I’ve found one that quite fits what I’m looking for.

I have three tables I am trying to integrate. Projects, Production Calendar, and Tasks. I’ve used a script from this example base to generate a list of project beats for projects that need it but I also need code to then create tasks for each “beat” using a linked field in Production Calendar to the Tasks table.

Key fields in my Production Calendar template:

Project (linked to Projects Table)

Phase (single select)

Next Beat (Successors for order)

Subtasks (a linked field which then contains Priority-single select, Status-single select, Department-single select in my Tasks template)

Is is possible to bring these all together in one script? Or run another script that subsequently creates the tasks associated with the Project Beats after I’ve run the first script I already created?

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