Hi, everyone -
I could seriously use some assistance with a script I’m trying to figure out. Please note, I always thought of myself as efficient with computes and I like to think I’m pretty good with Airtable formulas, but the scripting stuff is so above me it’s crazy… Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Here’s what I’m trying to do.
Table 1
- In table 1 I have a formulated field that auto populates with a bunch of comma separated text strings. Any given cell can look something like this.
Auto-populated Field
TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15s_mPre/Post]Master_RecordTest_16x9_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15s_Video2_RecordTest_16x9_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15s_EDL_RecordTest_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15s_Music_RecordTest_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15s_GraphicToolkit_RecordTest_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15siPre/Post]Wide_RecordTest_16x9_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15siPre/Post]Vertical_RecordTest_9x16_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15siPre/Post]OrganicSquare_RecordTest_1x1_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15s_SquareVideo2_RecordTest_1x1_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15s_DialogueList_RecordTest_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15siPre/Post]SRT_RecordTest_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15siPre/Post]Video_RecordTest_16x9_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15siPre/Post]PaidSquare_RecordTest_1x1_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15s_VerticalVideo2_RecordTest_9x16_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15siPre/Post]_SRT_RecordTest_XXXX_MV_en-US - _ff],TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15s_CueSheet_RecordTest_XXXX_MV_en-US,TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15s_FF_RecordTest_XXXX_MV_en-US.pdf, TEST_S1_12345_Commercial_15s_FF_RecordTest_XXXX_MV_en-US.zip
Table 1 Screenshot
- Each line represents the same commercial, but in a different language. The strings I am looking to copy are the specific deliverables for each language. Records related to the same commercial are grouped together by the commercials generic name that is linked via a linked record in a Table 0.
- There are 10 lines for this commercial the fields highlighted in red can include several comma separated strings. The en-US line can have 12 strings, the de-DE line can have 4, etc.
- If each line has 5 strings, the result of this script would be 50 records in table 2.
Table 2
- Preferably I would like to click a button in a custom block that asks for the commercial’s generic name per Table 0 and gathers all the strings in Table 1 associated with that generic name so that it can create new blank records in Table 2 by filling in a non-primary, single line text field. The result would look something like this:
- If each line has 5 strings, the result of this script would be 50 records in table 2.
Is something like this possible? If so, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, if anyone is down to assist me with some general base design help please DM me. I created an overly complicated Base for work that I truly believe in and want to make work, but it’s not scalable and very messy