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I am trying to use to connect to another company's airtable base for read-only purposes. The company that owns the airtable account is a client of mine.  Thus, I believe I need to use the OAuth method with a client ID (and a secret? I don't think the secret is necessary?). We also tried connecting with a client id + a secret, no luck either.

I receive the error This third-party app failed to properly construct a request to Airtable: invalid client_id or mismatched redirect_uri.

I opened in an incognito window. now, when I try to connect in the same way, a new browser tab automatically opens and redirects to login. this also doesn't do me any good as I'm trying to connect to my client's airtable base via API.

In the Airtable developer hub, the client has registered a new oauth, provided me the client ID, and added the redirect URL that requires: I stepped through this with the client. Now, when I try to create an airtable connection in, I enter a client ID. click save, and get the error: This third-party app failed to properly construct a request to Airtable: invalid client_id or mismatched redirect_uri.

I'm sure the client id is correct. I don't know what else to do. Really appreciate your support!




When using a third-party app, such as Make’s advanced automations and integrations for Airtable, you can ignore those advanced settings. The Client ID and Client Secret are not relevant for what you are trying to do, so your client can delete the oAuth integration that they setup on their end in Airtable.

In Make, you simply need to choose oAuth and then click Save. You will only be able to connect to your clients’ bases & workspaces if your client has made you a creator on those bases & workspaces… or if you have your client login as themselves. (If your client is on an enterprise plan, you can also connect with one of their service accounts.)

Hope this helps! If you’d like to hire the top Airtable & Make consultant to help you with anything Airtable-related or Make-related, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld

When using a third-party app, such as Make’s advanced automations and integrations for Airtable, you can ignore those advanced settings. The Client ID and Client Secret are not relevant for what you are trying to do, so your client can delete the oAuth integration that they setup on their end in Airtable.

In Make, you simply need to choose oAuth and then click Save. You will only be able to connect to your clients’ bases & workspaces if your client has made you a creator on those bases & workspaces… or if you have your client login as themselves. (If your client is on an enterprise plan, you can also connect with one of their service accounts.)

Hope this helps! If you’d like to hire the top Airtable & Make consultant to help you with anything Airtable-related or Make-related, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld

Hi Scott. thank you for taking time to reply. But, isn't the purpose of the OAuth to allow 3rd parties permission based access to a specific scope of the users data?  I don't think my client, and future clients who use Airtable as their CRM, are going to want to add me as a creator on their bases. The concept of giving me read-only access to a specific base via API seems to make sense from the client's perspective, and this a pretty standard integration pattern.  Is there no way to get my clients Airtable data without joining their base with an airtable account of my own?

Yes, that’s true.

Typically, I have my clients log into Make and authorize via oAuth, since it is their Make account (that I am an admin of), and it is their Airtable account.

However, it sounds like you are trying to route multiple different Airtable accounts through your own Make account. To use the Client ID and Client Secret methodology, I would check out Make’s instructions on that here:

Although based on your post above, it looks like you already followed their instructions and it didn’t work.

I would open up a support ticket with Make to ask them for help with this issue, and be sure to post back here with what they say!

- ScottWorld, Expert Airtable Consultant
