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Hello! I have a custom extension. I haven't made any changes to the code recently but today calling expandRecord() starting throwing this error and crashing my extension: 

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'parentBase')

I've confirmed that it's being passed a valid-seeming record object.

Here's what my code looks like, it's defined in the top level on my component. 🤔 🤔

const expand = (record) => {




Let me know if you need any other information. Thanks for your help! 

It's always frustrating when code that was working stops working. What does the console.log() say is the value of the record? How are you setting it? Can you share a screen capture?

Hi Sticker_ninja,

This appears to be on Airtable's end - we have multiple apps in production for over a year that are now erroring on recordExpand as of the last 24 hours.

Our error is different - it refers to visible fields not being loaded, but it's from within the expandRecord component.

It appears Airtable either have a breaking change on their end, or an issue. As a workaround we are opening the record in its own tab like this -
I haven't found any info from Airtable regarding a change, and the @dashler78/blocks package it is in hasn't updated in 3 months so not sure.
Very frustrating when Airtable forces you to use the Blocks API to access most functions.

Hi Sticker_ninja,

This appears to be on Airtable's end - we have multiple apps in production for over a year that are now erroring on recordExpand as of the last 24 hours.

Our error is different - it refers to visible fields not being loaded, but it's from within the expandRecord component.

It appears Airtable either have a breaking change on their end, or an issue. As a workaround we are opening the record in its own tab like this -
I haven't found any info from Airtable regarding a change, and the @dashler78/blocks package it is in hasn't updated in 3 months so not sure.
Very frustrating when Airtable forces you to use the Blocks API to access most functions.

Yeah, that's the workaround I ended up using as well!
