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I just got metadata api and I’m trying to connect it with my airtable and get data but it is not connecting and keeps throwing me errors.

HelloWorld = () => {



"" + "/" + 'Table 1',

{ headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + 'api-key-from-airtable' } },


.then(resp => console.log(resp))

.catch(error => console.log(error))


This throws the error of Error: Request failed with status code 404 and 404 not found.

I tried performing a GET request on postman as well but it still did not work.

myKey is the problem.

myKey is the problem.

At myKey I add airtable metadata key I got, what’s wrong with it?

At myKey I add airtable metadata key I got, what’s wrong with it?

Your code suggests the URL you are making the request to is this - and this will almost certainly cause a 404 error. 1

Even if we assume “myKey” is something other than what you have shown, “Table 1” is not URL encoded, yet again, almost certainly why you would see a 404 result code.

Your code suggests the URL you are making the request to is this - and this will almost certainly cause a 404 error. 1

Even if we assume “myKey” is something other than what you have shown, “Table 1” is not URL encoded, yet again, almost certainly why you would see a 404 result code.

How do I call it then?

How do I call it then?

The table name must be URI Encoded like this.

"" + "/" + encodeURI('Table 1')

1)<myApiKey>/Table 1

does not work for me too, what is working:
a) request

b) in returned JSON find a table by name in tables array.


2) apiKey is not suitable for Metadata calls, what is required - Personal access token, make one here:
