Would anyone tell me how I should go over my trouble with Airtable api?
I would like pick up data from my table by curl with
“filter by formula”
i.e. filterByFormula: ‘(FIND(“0011”,Code))> 0)’,
it is OK with record which has only one data “0011” in “Code” field. (I can get the record)
it is NOT GOOD with record which has two or more date (ofcourse one of them is “0011”) in “Code” field.
(the request will not return this record)
it is same for filterByFormula: ‘(SEARCH(“0011”,Code))> 0)’,
Is there any mistake I made to handle this request curl ?
Or would you please tell me how can I fix the formula to get all the records include “0011” ?
//table condtion:
The field “Code” is customized as “Formula” to get date from another field “Code ID”
formula {CodeID}
The field “Code ID” is customized as “Lookup” to get linked date from another field.