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Is there a way to create a Dropdown Menu inside a custom Block to filter by own configured Airtable Views?

I’am not quite sure if this is what would work for my case.

Is there any Example Demo/Code for that?


Can I assume that you’re programming this custom Block? If so, then I believe what you’re looking for is ViewPicker:

import React, { useState } from "react";

import { ViewPicker, useBase } from "@airtable/blocks/ui";

const ViewPickerExample = () => {

const nview, setView] = useState(null);

const base = useBase();

const table = base.getTableByNameIfExists("Tasks");

// If table is null or undefined, the ViewPicker will not render.

return (




onChange={newView => setView(newView)}





You can sync that up to globalConfig, with ViewPickerSynced:

import React from "react";

import { useBase, ViewPickerSynced } from "@airtable/blocks/ui";

const ViewPickerSyncedExample = () => {

const base = useBase();

const table = base.getTableByNameIfExists("Tasks");

// If table is null or undefined, the ViewPickerSynced will not render.

return (

<ViewPickerSynced table={table} globalConfigKey="viewId" width="320px" />


