@Joris_Grouillet made me this script to search for {tag}
and replace by the tag
Am in urgent need of some changes but don’t want to be too much of a burden so I ask here.
Could someone please help me modify the script so that:
It replaces every occurence of a match in a cell
(e.g. if there is {name} twice in a cell, it replaces both and not just the first it finds)
It searches for tags in n…] rather than {…}
it searches and replace in place rather than in an additional field.
(i.e. it uses the same field for template and destination)
If possible, it is dynamic and uses regex to find any tag in a…] and replace it with the matching column.
I urgently need the first enhancement, the rest are more for the convenience of my workflow.
Here is the script:
(async ({ record_id }) => {
async function getClientById(recordId, clientsTable){
const queryResult = await clientsTable.selectRecordsAsync({
fields: f'nom', 'code', 'ville', 'template_message']
}); // get all records in Clients table
return queryResult.getRecord(recordId)
function makeMessageFromTemplate(template, client){
const mapTagsAndValues = {
'nom' : { value: client.getCellValueAsString("nom") },
'code' : { value: client.getCellValueAsString('code') },
'ville' : {value: client.getCellValueAsString('ville'), options: { uppercase: true } }
function applyOptions(value, options){
if ((options ?? {})?.uppercase === true) {
return value.toUpperCase();
return value;
return Object.entries(mapTagsAndValues).reduce((messageToWrite, otag, { value, options }]) => {
return messageToWrite.replace(`{${tag}}`, applyOptions(value, options));
}, template);
const clientsTable = base.getTable("CEDT");
const clientFound = await getClientById(record_id, clientsTable);
console.log('clientFound : ', clientFound);
// ci-dessous : ne pas passer par getCellValueAsString() : il supprime le formattage markdown
const template = clientFound.getCellValue('template_message');
console.log('template : ', template)
const message = makeMessageFromTemplate(template, clientFound);
console.log('message final : ', message);
await clientsTable.updateRecordAsync(clientFound, { message })
Thank you very much for your help :smiling_face_with_halo: