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I need to write a script that queries one of the tables in a base (a list of credentials as a junction table that brings together names and credentials against a certain date), then looks for missing records (of credentials) against another table and outputs a list of those who are missing credentials.

I’m completely new at scripting and have just started to learn a bit of JS to try and get started.

Please let me know what info you need from me and I’ll try and provide it.

Many thanks in advance.

Are you looking for guidance in writing the script (i.e. review & feedback), or are you looking for someone to write it for you?

Are you looking for guidance in writing the script (i.e. review & feedback), or are you looking for someone to write it for you?

That’s a fair question! I’m literally starting out in JavaScript so it may well be having someone write it for me initially. If it’s the latter, do you have advise on sourcing it as a piece of work from someone?

That’s a fair question! I’m literally starting out in JavaScript so it may well be having someone write it for me initially. If it’s the latter, do you have advise on sourcing it as a piece of work from someone?

I’ve done a lot of JavaScript development for Airtable. If you’ve got a budget for this project, message me and we can talk specifics.

I’ve done a lot of JavaScript development for Airtable. If you’ve got a budget for this project, message me and we can talk specifics.

Thanks Justin. That’s good to know. No, I don’t have a budget, but I would like a quote for this bit of work. Are you in a position to provide one or can you recommend me where to go to get a quote?
