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Hi all,

I have created a table with teachers and their availability.

Each line corresponds to a teacher, and my columns are the different weeks of the year.

The field type of my columns is a linked record, so that I can have multiple date filled in for one week.

It looks like this:

Name of the teacher // availabilities w1 // availabilities w2 // availabilities w3 // …

Tom Sawyer // Mon. Jan. 1st, Tue. Jan. 2nd, Wed. Jan. 3rd, Thu. Jan. 4th, Fri. Jan. 5th // Mon. Jan. 8th, Tue. Jan. 9th // Mon. Jan. 15th …

I would like to write a script to go through these “availability” columns and for each record in it, create a record some place else.

So that I would have something like:

Name of the date // Name of the teacher

Mon. Jan. 1st // Tom Sawyer

Tue. Jan. 2nd.// Tom Sawyer

and so on

Then, I could match the records with the same name, so that I have all my teachers available for one given date.

Is there anyway to do this using the scripting app?

I am very new to js so don’t really know where to start…

I don’t know if this is very clear,

Thank you so much for your help!

This tool might help you (I reckon 🙂 )
