Pass the field names as an array shown below
let query = await table.selectRecordsAsync({fields: ["Field name1","Field name2"]});
Thank you, Sho!
I am a little unclear about a few things here, if you don't mind.
let query = await table.selectRecordsAsync({fields: ["Field name1","Field name2"]});
Do I use the word you typed in, "fields", then inside the brackets type the names of the fields(columns) from my base, which is what I did.
({fields: ["Field name1","Field name2"]})
AirTable seems to only return the record IDs and the first column, not returning the field names I typed in.
records: Array(11)
0: Object
id: "recy5EPgK58mBL8Xz"
name: "Miako"
Hi Sho, I just saw a little more detail in the Airtable docs that really helped me to understand what is going on, so thank you for getting me started here.