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Hello there,
I'm using this API to get the my table's data and after that I will process this into my CMS and then to fetch next records there is offset which I'm using to get another records. 

Since the records are more than 100 server might get out so I tried to get less records like 10 but offset is not there in the response.

so can someone help me to get less records and also the offset in it ?
Thank you.

There are 2 different ways of handling this:

1. You can write your own custom JavaScript scripts to do that.
2. You can use a no-code automation tool that doesn’t require any knowledge of programming code at all.

Personally, I don’t know JavaScript, so I go with #2 myself.

I use and I highly recommend Make’s Airtable automations and integrations.

You would just need to use Make’s Airtable - Search Records module to search your Airtable records, and Make will automatically handle all the offsets for you.

Make will also let you specify the maximum number of records you want to retrieve and the sort order of the records.

Make will also automatically loop through all the records for you, so you can handle each one separately when sending them to your CRM.

If your CRM isn’t natively supported by Make, you can just use Make’s HTTP module to send your own custom API calls to your CRM.

If you’ve never used Make before, I’ve assembled a bunch of Make training resources in this thread:

I also give live demonstrations of how to use Make in many of my Airtable podcast appearances here:

For example, in this video, I show how to work with Airtable arrays in Make.

p.s. If you have a budget for your project and you’d like to hire an expert Airtable consultant to help you with any of this, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consulting — ScottWorld 

MaxRecords sets the total number of records you will get. If you want fewer records per call, set the page size.

As kuovonne said, try pageSize, so your URL would just be:


MaxRecords sets the total number of records you will get. If you want fewer records per call, set the page size.

Thank you it worked.

As kuovonne said, try pageSize, so your URL would just be:


Thank you so much for this.
