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I’m using the following to capture an email address:

email = await input.textAsync(‘Please enter email’);

I want the input to be optional, but the “Next” button only becomes enabled when you type something in -the field. Is there a way to make the field non-mandatory or is this a bug?

If you’re familiar with how Promises work in javascript, there is a workaround for this (although not perfect). I’m going to publish an example later today that uses this workaround. Stay tuned…

If you’re familiar with how Promises work in javascript, there is a workaround for this (although not perfect). I’m going to publish an example later today that uses this workaround. Stay tuned…

Fab! (I’m more of a c# /c++ programmer with limited javascript knowledge!)

Could you please show this workaround? I’m not very friendly with js (also c++ programmer) but I will do my best to learn js for working with airtable

Welcome to the Airtable community!

A quick and dirty workaround is to have the user enter a single space if they don’t want to answer. Then have your code take it from there.
