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I was wondering if anyone had a workaround for displaying/hiding fields on an interface programmatically. (Softr can't do it, bubble either, I'm trying to avoid going fully custom UI)

What we want to achieve is the following:

WHEN a field is created in a table by a user (they do through a form connected to a Make scenario, not thru the Airtable data view)

THEN that field gets added to a specific grid within a page within an interface

We don't want our users to access the data view or interface editing page, and we're kind of stuck.

If anyone's got any idea, that'd be great!

What do you mean that can't do it? I have built many apps full of conditional to show/hide users the specific fields and data.

You can create different types of users and also filter the data that is shown based on some attribute they have.

I usually suggest not using Airtable interfaces for different users, some dropdown or linked record will likely end up showing confidential data.

What do you mean that can't do it? I have built many apps full of conditional to show/hide users the specific fields and data.

You can create different types of users and also filter the data that is shown based on some attribute they have.

I usually suggest not using Airtable interfaces for different users, some dropdown or linked record will likely end up showing confidential data.

Hi there!

From what I've been told there's no way to automatically display fields on a Bubble interface when those fields get created in Airtable.

For example, you create a field in Airtable and somehow that column appears in a grid view (without you doing anything) it just happens automatically.

If this is something you have experience in and can do, I'd love to pay you for advice. Can you email
