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I'm a new to the AirTable API and trying to automate adding records with data from another API.  I have this function:

	async function updateCrewRecords(data: CrewDetailsType[]) {

const crewBase = new Airtable({ apiKey: AT_API_KEY }).base('appxxx')

const table = cewBase('tblxxx')

const records = => ({

fields: {

CrewID: crew.CrewID,

CompanyID: crew.CompanyID,

IsActive: crew.IsActive,

Position: crew.Position,



try {

// const response = await table.create(records, { typecast: true })

const response = await table.update(records, {

typecast: true,

performUpsert: true,

fieldsToMergeOn: ['CrewID'],


} catch (e: any) {

const errorMsg = `updateCrewRecords(): ${e.message}`

console.log(e.statusCode, errorMsg)

// throw error(e.statusCode, e.message)



 The commented out table.create(records) works as expected, but the upsert doesn't.  The error I'm getting is:

422 updateCrewRecords(): Invalid request: parameter validation failed. Check your request data. 

I can't find any way to get any more specific information on what is going wrong.

Any help would be much appreciated!

<grr> finally ask for help and then figure it out. 🙄

This works. 😮‍💨

const response = await table.update(records, {

typecast: true,

performUpsert: {

fieldsToMergeOn: :'CrewID'],


