I’m not an experienced coder, but I’ve written enough VBA & Python to have a degree of comfort with Java Script and write some basic routines. That said, my greatest degree of confusion here is referencing specific fields, records, cells, tables, etc. While loading the bases seems straightforward & part of every example script, documentation seems to drop off from there. Did I miss something? Can someone point me to a cheat-sheet with more examples like:
The examples provided, “Loading records, Currency converter, Running total, Mark duplicate, Summarize linked records” are helpful, but more of these would be better. The user forum examples are a little scattered and specific.
Probably, like most people using Airtable, my scripting issues are pretty basic. For example, one of the things I’m trying to do is just search a column for the highest value and enter the next highest value in the same column triggered by the primary column. Another is search a second column to see if it’s null or zero before entering a value into the next column. There’s a few more, but as you can see I’m not trying anything overly complex.
Bottom line: I’m looking for a list of record, field, cell, etc scripting terms/references.