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I have a database with two tables “gifts” and “status”. I'd like to use a button to update the status automatically via a script. 

I searched the documentation and the forum, but I couldn't find any solution to adapt the script to my problem. Here's the code I've already added, and the options I've explored.

This is my code :

// Récupère la table Cadeaux

let tableCadeaux = base.getTable("🎁 Cadeaux");


//Récupère le champo statuts de la table Cadeaux

let statut = tableCadeaux.getField("✅ Statuts");


// Récupère le de la table Cadeaux

let queryResult = await tableCadeaux.selectRecordsAsync({fields: s]});

let record = queryResult.recordsR0];


// Récupère la table Statuts

let tableStatuts = base.getTable("✅ Statuts");


let newRecordIdToLink = '🎁 Réservé';

tableCadeaux.updateRecordAsync(record, {

"✅ Statuts": &

record.getCellValue("✅ Statuts"),

{ id: newRecordIdToLink }



and the documentation I looked at : multipleRecordLinks

I'm getting an error that I don't understand, maybe you have an answer or the logic that I haven't understood yet.
Thank you in advance

Could you provide screenshots of the relevant fields and explain what you want the script to do?

Hello, thank you for your time TheTimeSavingCo.
The idea is simply to be able to change the status of a record when the button is clicked from an interface, because here the status is a “Link to Another record” and not a select.

I need to change the record I click on from an A status to a B status defined in the script.
But I'd also like to understand what I'm doing, and at the end of the script I can't see how to do it.

Hello, thank you for your time TheTimeSavingCo.
The idea is simply to be able to change the status of a record when the button is clicked from an interface, because here the status is a “Link to Another record” and not a select.

I need to change the record I click on from an A status to a B status defined in the script.
But I'd also like to understand what I'm doing, and at the end of the script I can't see how to do it.

Ah thanks for the details!  If you could provide a screenshot of the specific fields involved I could try to help!

Yes of course :

I only want to update the field ” ✅ Statuts” when I click on the button (which contains the script) in the table "🎁 Cadeaux"

Thanks a lot


Yes of course :

I only want to update the field ” ✅ Statuts” when I click on the button (which contains the script) in the table "🎁 Cadeaux"

Thanks a lot


Thanks!  Here's some code that I got working:

// Récupère la table Cadeaux

let tableCadeaux = base.getTable("🎁 Cadeaux");


//Récupère le champo statuts de la table Cadeaux

let statut = tableCadeaux.getField("✅ Statuts");


// Récupère le de la table Cadeaux

let queryResult = await tableCadeaux.selectRecordsAsync();

let record = queryResult.recordsl0];


// Récupère la table Statuts

let tableStatuts = base.getTable("✅ Statuts");


let newRecordIdToLink = 'recz4E29hpLQtrkvy';

tableCadeaux.updateRecordAsync(record, {

"✅ Statuts": ;

...record.getCellValue("✅ Statuts") || t],

{ id: newRecordIdToLink }



I changed `let newRecordIdToLink = '🎁 Réservé';` to use a record ID as that's what the linked field requires, and I also updated the code so that it could append the record to any existing values in the field
