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Hi All,

I am looking for a FIND or SEARCH formula to use in a GET URL.
I need to lookup an ID, lets say "1234" and that ID is within a Multiple Select Option Column.
the column on the table is a lookup and has multiple ids all in a string. example: 1234, 3563, 235234, 1435

I am wanting to do the lookup to find the Record that the "ID" is within the multiple ids.
The formula i'm using now, is looking up a Single entry, not an entry within multiple.
What would my URL Formula Looklike?
Here is what i'm using"APP"/"MYTABLE"?filterByFormula=FIND("ID",{Client+ID})&maxRecords=1&pageSize=90


I think i figured it out. The FIND still works when looking within a Multi Select Field.
Be curious to hear from experts on this. thanks

I think i figured it out. The FIND still works when looking within a Multi Select Field.
Be curious to hear from experts on this. thanks

Hi Jeff! It looks like you’re right on track with this approach. We’d agree that using FIND() is the correct one for this use case, although one thing to note is that maxRecords and pageSize parameters may be unnecessary here. Hope that this can help!
