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Hi !

I have 4000 fields in my product table from 1 to 4001 personnal ID

I need to know the place to find the record ID recXXXX created by Airtable for all of my fields

For example the 3876 is the recdg5jLFDdg34 record and I need to make a list like

1 = rec XXX

2 = recYYY

Please help !

Have a nice day

Seriously? I think you may have a bigger problem than knowing the record IDs. Do you mean 4000 rows?

Seriously? I think you may have a bigger problem than knowing the record IDs. Do you mean 4000 rows?

😊 ! Sorry yes !

<img width=“91” height=“94” style=“width:.9479in;height:.9791in” id=“Image_x0020_7” src="//" alt="Une image contenant homme, personne, regardant, photo

Description générée automatiquement">

Stéphane Barbagelata

Managinig Director – Founder


+33(0)1 87 20 01 12

+33(0)6 37 65 91 19

Repensons nos gestes, n’imprimez ce courriel que si nécessaire | Please consider the environment before printing

Okay - rows it is.

If you use the API to list your records, the id will be included along with your field values.

Okay - rows it is.

If you use the API to list your records, the id will be included along with your field values.

Add a column next to your id column with the RECORD_ID() formula. Then you can copy both columns and paste them into a text editor or spreadsheet for further editing. For example, in the text editor you can replace the tab mark (“/t”) between columns with “ = “.
