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I am having an issue to match the airtable-content-mac from the header with the one I computed following the instructions from the documentation .

So we tried the following:

const decodedMacSecret = atob('macSecretBase64'); //macSecretBase64 from create webhook

const body = `{

"base": {

"id": "appjRdIX59U4YEy4l"


"webhook": {

"id": "achXH94CxHYGdUcje"


"timestamp": "2024-03-06T00:32:58.992Z"


const hmac = createHmac('sha256', decodedMacSecret);


hmac.update(body.toString(), 'ascii'); // I also tried JSON.stringify(body);

console.log('received header: hmac-sha256=0fb79298bc57a45a34ca1d04f5237fd4a9a9223fd5c90cc04f35d3c3890180cc');

console.log('computed: hmac-sha256=' + hmac.digest('hex'));


I was using atob to decode the mac secret that is why it was not working.

This piece of code worked !

const macSecretFromCreate = "<mac_secret_string_from_create_endpoint>";

const macSecretDecoded = new Buffer(macSecretFromCreate, 'base64');

// example request body

const requestBody = '{"base":{"id":"<the app id>"},"webhook":

{"id":"<the webhook id>"},"timestamp":"<timestamp value"}'

const hmac = require('crypto').createHmac('sha256', macSecretDecoded);

hmac.update(requestBody.toString(), 'ascii');

const expectedContentHmac = 'hmac-sha256=' + hmac.digest('hex');

