I’ve got a Scripting app script that uses createTableAsync(), and it’s been working fine for months.
Today when I run it, I get an error of the form:
j: No table with ID tblPJSEYaC7kb5yIF in base ‘Untitled Base’
at main on line 1
The following script demonstrates the error. It has just one line, taken from the createTableAsync() documentation:
const tableId = await base.createTableAsync("Tasks", T{name: "Title", type: "singleLineText"}]);
I expect that this line would execute without an error, and tableId would end up with the ID of the created table. Instead, the Scripting app stops with an error message in the console, halting the script prematurely. (The table is created, for what it’s worth, but the script stops and does not complete the rest of the operations.)
Why have I started getting this error with createTableAsync()? Is there a way I can fix it? Or can Airtable fix it?