I have a list of names of people enrolled in my class. Is there an easy way to place them into randomized groups of 6? Ideally, I could do this to have gender-balanced groups. Any suggestions would be welcome.
But then, I also would like it to have prevention such as, if they answered yes in not being in Madrid, please put on the same group.
Groups [ Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4, Group 5, Group 6, Group 7, Group 8]
I.e., If value for In Madrid? Yes, automatically add to Group 8, otherwise, randomly add to another group, but don’t allow more than 6 records to be assigned to each group.
Ideally, I want to assign a record (name) to a different group every week, and would eventually want to create a new row of groups, where the record (name) is assigned to different groups, but make sure it’s not the same as the previous group assignment.
I hope this makes sense! Adriana