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Trying to update additional fields of an updated record accordingly.

Getting “undefined” value for recordId. What would be the problem?

let recordId = input.config().recordId;


let rootTable = base.getTable('uretim-kaydi');

let rootQuery = await rootTable.selectRecordsAsync();

let record = rootQuery.getRecord(recordId);


let {recordId} = input.config()

and make sure you’ve created an input config variable by the name recordId

It is a script as an action within an automation. I don’t see an option to create an input config variable.

Also, when I tried this, I get the error below:

let config = input.config();

let {recordId} = config.recordId;



TypeError: Cannot destructure property ‘recordId’ of ‘config.recordId’ as it is undefined.

at main on line 11

Sorry to bother, I didn’t see the left column of “input variables”. I created an input variable there and it’s ok now.
