For anyone looking to do the same, I just wrote the code myself and submitted it to the script community. It’s waiting on approval, but in the mean time…
// Script settings
let s = input.config({
title: '
Create records from multiple select field options',
description: 'Creates 1 record in another table for each option in a multiple select field in the source table, and links the new records back to the source record.',
// Source table select
input.config.table('tableSource', {
label: '
Table with existing records'
// Source table: Multiple select field with deliverables
input.config.field('delivField', {
parentTable: 'tableSource',
label: '
Multiple select field with names of records to create',
// Source view: View to limit records to
input.config.view('viewSource', {
parentTable: 'tableSource',
label: '
Specify a view to limit records to',
// Destination table select
input.config.table('tableDest', {
label: '
Table to create new records in'
// Destination table: Name or title field
input.config.field('destinationField', {
parentTable: 'tableDest',
label: '
Deliverable name or title field in destination table',
// Destination table: Linked record field (back to the Source table record)
input.config.field('projField', {
parentTable: 'tableDest',
label: '
Linked record field (links to table with existing records)',
// query for all the records in a view
let table = s.tableSource;
let view = table.getView(;
let queryResult = await view.selectRecordsAsync({fields: ls.delivField]});
// print ID & "Description" from each record:
console.log('Records to parse through : ' + queryResult.records.length);
for (let record of queryResult.records) {
//If you want to stop it short to test something
// if ( === "rec8d9R5Mok1tMGA3") {
// break;
// }
// Gets the desired # of records to create, and deliverable names, based on the fields chosen in the script settings
let recToCreate = s.delivField.options?.choices.length;
let deliverables = record.getCellValue(;
// Variables to store the applicable deliverable names and length (total records to create)
let delivNames = r];
let length = 0;
if (deliverables) {
// Creates record names from 'deliverables' multiple select field, if any
for (let item of deliverables) {
length = delivNames.length
// Preview records to create, prompt user to confirm creation
output.markdown('Create ' + length + ' records for **' + + '**?');
//To see the table of each record created
//To look at one record at a time
//await input.buttonsAsync('', i{ label: 'Create records', value: 'Create records', variant: 'primary' }]);
// Create records
let dToCreate = >];
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
let name = delivNames i].Name
fields: {]: name,]: { id: }]
// Batches the creation
while (dToCreate.length > 0) {
await s.tableDest.createRecordsAsync(dToCreate.slice(0, 50));
dToCreate = dToCreate.slice(50);
// Output confirmation for the user
// output.markdown(`
// ${length} records created 
// `);
} else {
output.markdown(`**No deliverables chosen for this record. Make selections in the ${} field first.**`)
// console.log(`
// **${}**
// ${record.getCellValueAsString(s.delivField)}
// `);