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I need to know how i ask to run script when new record is created and define if name in:

var response = await fetch(''+name);

is equal to Prénom used from table else only change records only for this person.

I give you a screen of my table

// query for every record in "trombinoscope"

let table = base.getTable("test");

let view = table.getView("Donnée brut");

let query = await view.selectRecordsAsync




// sort by "Prénom" in ascending order...

{field: "Prénom"},




let records = query.records;

// print ID & "Prénom" from each record:

for (let record of query.records)


let name = (record.getCellValueAsString('Prénom')) ;

let response = await fetch(''+name);

/*fetch(''+name) ;*/

/*console.log((await response.json()).age);*/

let agifyAge = (( await response.json()).age);

let records = query.records;

for (let i=0 ; i<records.length ; i++ )


/*if ( name == ((await response.json()).name) )*/

await table.updateRecordsAsync(


id: recordsei].id ,

fields :


"Age estimé" : agifyAge ,





/*console.log(await response.json());*/

/*let json = JSON.parse(await response.json());



Create an automation that triggers when a record is created or when a record enters a view. I prefer the latter for better assurance that all the fields in the record are complete.

From this action, add a script action to capture the Prénom field value into variables from the previous step using the output feature.

// get the `Prénom` field value from the previous step

let inputConfig = input.config();

let thisPrénom = inputConfig.Prénom;

You are now ready to perform the fetch() call and test to see if it matches the captured thisPrénom value.

Create an automation that triggers when a record is created or when a record enters a view. I prefer the latter for better assurance that all the fields in the record are complete.

From this action, add a script action to capture the Prénom field value into variables from the previous step using the output feature.

// get the `Prénom` field value from the previous step

let inputConfig = input.config();

let thisPrénom = inputConfig.Prénom;

You are now ready to perform the fetch() call and test to see if it matches the captured thisPrénom value.

So i’m had to put

let inputConfig = input.config(); let thisPrénom = inputConfig.Prénom; in my for (let record of query.records) just before my fetch that right.

I’m sorry to ask this basic question but i’m learn my first time js :grinning_face_with_sweat: .

So i’m had to put

let inputConfig = input.config(); let thisPrénom = inputConfig.Prénom; in my for (let record of query.records) just before my fetch that right.

I’m sorry to ask this basic question but i’m learn my first time js :grinning_face_with_sweat: .

No - your requirement is simpler:

  1. Capture the input of the record ID and Prénom field from the record create step;

  2. Query the external API using that input value to get the estimated age.

  3. Update the estimated age in the record whose ID was captured when it was created.

