Hi all! I’m an absolute scripting begginer, can I have any support with this which would usually be pretty easy in a spreadsheet but is more challenging in a database.
I need to automatically calculate the ‘deductions’ column which is some thing like
Filter of {Client A} AND {Workshop ID}:
IF(Record No. = 1, 0,
IF({Time In 2} <= {Time Out 1} , 0,
{Time In 2} - {Time Out 1} ))
This assumes the fields are appropriately sorted, where base is ‘Business support admin’, Table is ‘Zoom Calculator’ and fields are ‘Workshop ID’,‘Client Name’,‘Time in’,‘Time out’
Client A records from Workshop ID:
Time in Time out Deductions
1 09:28 09:37 00:00
2 09:34 10:16 00:00
3 09:44 10:16 00:00
4 10:18 10:37 00:02
5 10:19 10:37 00:00
6 10:38 10:44 00:01
7 10:40 10:44 00:00
Any help would be greatly appreciated