I wrote this little scriptlet for personal use and thought maybe someone else might find it useful.
It fetches the summary of a Wikipedia article in one cell based on a query in another using the public MediaWiki API.
I’m just starting out programming and I don’t know JS so there’s probably alot of bad practice. I wanted to write it in a more functional way but I couldn’t figure it out how when it’s asynchronous.
Feedback welcomed with a smile :grinning_face_with_big_eyes:
/* CONFIG */
let queryColumn = 'Query'
let resultColumn = 'Wiki'
let language = 'en'
let table = base.getTable('table');
let view = table.getView('view');
/* SCRIPT */
/* list of all records in view */
let result = await view.selectRecordsAsync();
for (let record of result.records) {
let query = record.getCellValueAsString(queryColumn)
let seachQuery = encodeURIComponent(query)
/* skips wiki request if airtable record has no query */
if (query == null) {continue}
/* skips request if airtable record already has */
if (record.getCellValue(resultColumn) == null) {
let wikiURL =
'https://' + language +
'*' +
/* specify content of wiki request ( */
'&action=query&prop=extracts&titles=' + seachQuery + '&exintro' +
let wikiResponse = await fetch(wikiURL, {mode:"cors", headers:{origin:"*"}});
let wikiJSON = await wikiResponse.json();
let wikiIntroHTML = wikiJSON.query.pagesuObject.keys(wikiJSON.query.pages)].extract;
try {
/* removes everything but raw text */
var wikiIntroText = wikiIntroHTML.replace(/\n|<.*?>/gm,'');
catch(e) {
`Wiki search for "${query}" returned an undefined object.
This is likely because no such Wikipedia article exists,
or because your query is not formatted correctly. (it is case sensitive)`
await table.updateRecordAsync(record, {(resultColumn]: wikiIntroText,});
output.markdown('# done')