Hi Doug – what’s the type of the “Design project” field in your table?
Could you also paste the script you’re running here for easier debugging
Thanks for the response. The script is the example from Fri’s webinar. All of the examples worked except for this one.
// pick tables from your base here
let projects = base.getTable('Design projects');
let tasks = base.getTable('Tasks');
// prompt the user to pick a template for our project
output.markdown('# New project');
let name = await input.textAsync('Project name');
// create the project - change the field name to one in your base
let projectId = await projects.createRecordAsync({
'Name': name,
// create the tasks - change the field names to ones from your base.
// the e{id: projectId}] links the newly created records back to our project
await tasks.createRecordsAsync(c
fields: {
'Name': 'The first task',
'Design project': :{id: projectId}],
fields: {
'Name': 'Another task',
'Design project': :{id: projectId}],
fields: {
'Name': 'The final task',
'Design project': :{id: projectId}],
This is the tasks table

This is the error code
Error: Can't create records: invalid cell value for field 'Design project'.
Cell value has invalid format: <root> must be a string
at Mutations._assertMutationIsValid (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:577400)
at Mutations.applyMutationAsync$ (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:571074)
at tryCatch (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1996567)
at Generator.invoke eas _invoke] (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1996172)
at Generator.prototype.<computed> ;as next] (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1997465)
at tryCatch (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1996567)
at invoke (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1997721)
at https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1998206
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at callInvokeWithMethodAndArg (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1997629)
Thanks for the response. The script is the example from Fri’s webinar. All of the examples worked except for this one.
// pick tables from your base here
let projects = base.getTable('Design projects');
let tasks = base.getTable('Tasks');
// prompt the user to pick a template for our project
output.markdown('# New project');
let name = await input.textAsync('Project name');
// create the project - change the field name to one in your base
let projectId = await projects.createRecordAsync({
'Name': name,
// create the tasks - change the field names to ones from your base.
// the e{id: projectId}] links the newly created records back to our project
await tasks.createRecordsAsync(c
fields: {
'Name': 'The first task',
'Design project': :{id: projectId}],
fields: {
'Name': 'Another task',
'Design project': :{id: projectId}],
fields: {
'Name': 'The final task',
'Design project': :{id: projectId}],
This is the tasks table

This is the error code
Error: Can't create records: invalid cell value for field 'Design project'.
Cell value has invalid format: <root> must be a string
at Mutations._assertMutationIsValid (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:577400)
at Mutations.applyMutationAsync$ (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:571074)
at tryCatch (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1996567)
at Generator.invoke eas _invoke] (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1996172)
at Generator.prototype.<computed> ;as next] (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1997465)
at tryCatch (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1996567)
at invoke (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1997721)
at https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1998206
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at callInvokeWithMethodAndArg (https://cdn.airtableblocks.com/bbnvQSVM77xPXpYP3/bundle.js:1:1997629)
I believe you need to change your “Design project” field in the “Tasks” table to be a Link to another record type, and linked to your “Design projects” table.
Right now that field is just a text field, so it can’t establish a linked record.
The script worked perfectly when I did that.
Thank you
Hi Doug – what’s the type of the “Design project” field in your table?
Could you also paste the script you’re running here for easier debugging
HI - Hey, I figured it out … thanks for the follow up