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Hello, maybe someone had a similar issue and can give me a hand

After I do Block run on my extension the resulting localhost URL has an expired SSL certificate.

It is my understanding this is a self signed certificate created on the fly when I do Block run (but I might be wrong)

I searched for the certificate everywhere but it just isn’t there, which makes me believe it is created on each run for the server.

Does know if there is a way to specify the certificate I want to use when I do Block run or any other work around to this issue. I am pretty sure I might be doing something wrong since I couldn’t find any other report on the same thing but I have spent 3 days now on this without luck.

Any help will be appreciated!

This is being addressed in another thread. Please refrain from starting new threads when another discussion on the subject is already in-progress.

This is being addressed in another thread. Please refrain from starting new threads when another discussion on the subject is already in-progress.

Sorry Justing but this search is not producing any post with the solution I needed.

For anyone else having a similar issue when creating a custom extension you will (probably) need to add a CORS plugin for your browser. (At least that was the only solution I found after spending ours trying to understand why the localhost URL was not working)

Hope this helps!

Sorry Justing but this search is not producing any post with the solution I needed.

For anyone else having a similar issue when creating a custom extension you will (probably) need to add a CORS plugin for your browser. (At least that was the only solution I found after spending ours trying to understand why the localhost URL was not working)

Hope this helps!

I was referring to the other thread that you started here:
