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Hi Airtable team and community 🙂!

First I want to thank the team for the awesome tool that is the Interface. I love using it (except for a few frustrations, namely the lack of a “duplicate” button or of the possibility to display fields instead of records as the x-axis in graphs).

But my main concern today is the ability to share an interface. I just finished a Quarterly Reporting interface with KPIs of an incubator, and we want to share that with the executives of the school we depend on. For now, I understand there is no way to export the interface as a PDF or to share it with a link as a webpage instead of these busy important people having to create an Airtable account.

I was wondering first if tricks exist to solve my problem overnight, and second if these features were planned?

Many thanks in advance, and once again, congratulation for this amazing feature.



Hi @Tanguy_Lepage and welcome to the community!

To create a PDF, you could use the GoFullPage Chrome extension.

Hi @Tanguy_Lepage and welcome to the community!

To create a PDF, you could use the GoFullPage Chrome extension.

That came handy thank you very much!
