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Have not received any communication from Airtable since submission 2 weeks ago. How long does this take?

I can see that nobody from Airtable has even tried using the app in those last 2 weeks.

I submitted the code and the information form at the same time.

I got the automated email that said “Thanks for filling out the app information form… We’re now ready to start reviewing your submission.” so looks like my app submission was received…

How long does it take to have apps looked at / approved ?



Hey Adam! Thanks for reaching out - I lead the app review process. What’s the name of your application? I’ll take a look and shoot you an email.

In my experience, the process can take a very long time. I have several apps in the Marketplace, and most of them have taken months to get through review. The process has definitely taken longer with each successive app. I currently have three apps in the review process. One is a new app that was first submitted several months ago. The other two are updates to existing apps.

On the other hand, Albrey is great!

Hey Adam! Thanks for reaching out - I lead the app review process. What’s the name of your application? I’ll take a look and shoot you an email.

Hi Albrey,

Name is: “InfoPixo Live Charts”

In my experience, the process can take a very long time. I have several apps in the Marketplace, and most of them have taken months to get through review. The process has definitely taken longer with each successive app. I currently have three apps in the review process. One is a new app that was first submitted several months ago. The other two are updates to existing apps.

On the other hand, Albrey is great!

Why the review takes so long?

I have been waiting over 4 weeks for my app submission (GIF Maker) - would love to hear an update also.

Why the review takes so long?

I think this is a question best answered by an Airtable employee, which I am not.

In my experience, apps have been taking months to get through the review process, even relatively simply apps. I believe the following text from the documentation needs to be updated.
