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Wanted to know if there should be support for it. I just tried to use them but style is not what it should be I think. See attached screenshot of a block with the most recent version of the blocks package (v0.0.47):


Ronen Babayoff

Hey Ronen,

Thanks for reaching out. Could you share the code that you are using to render those inputs? The native browser date inputs have pretty bad implementations across the board. I would point you to something like that is more consistent across browsers and should work better. That being said, I am making a ticket for the team to look more into this and see what we can do.


Hey Ronen,

Thanks for reaching out. Could you share the code that you are using to render those inputs? The native browser date inputs have pretty bad implementations across the board. I would point you to something like that is more consistent across browsers and should work better. That being said, I am making a ticket for the team to look more into this and see what we can do.


Hey Jay,

Thanks for your response. I just wanted to check that since the documentation for the Input component specifies those as supported types, if you really do have your own components for them and that I may be doing something wrong.

Would be nice to have access to the same great looking components you guys use in the main Airtable UI, including your date and time components.


Ronen Babayoff

Hey Ronen,

I created a ticket for looking into date picker options at our side, and to see if we can support date type on the input more gracefully. In the mean time, using the React picker I shared is probably your most robust option.



@Ronen_Babayoff Do you have an example of how you implemented @Jay_Ransijn’s recommended react-day-picker? I’m having trouble getting the CSS styling to import.
