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Hi All, 

I would like to use the Airtable API to create a new table in an existing base. I've tried using Python/ PyAirtable as well as https requests via Postman. The API reference uses the following:{baseId}/tables 

However, the last bit seemed rather strange to me plus I'm getting the following error:



"error": {


"message": "Invalid permissions, or the requested model was not found. Check that your token has the required permissions and that the model names and/or ids are correct."




I'm using a personal token, with the required scopes (i.e. schema.bases:write)

And the following payload (copied from the example):



"description": "A to-do list of places to visit",

"fields": [


"description": "Name of the apartment",

"name": "Name",

"type": "singleLineText"



"name": "Address",

"type": "singleLineText"



"name": "Visited",

"options": {

"color": "greenBright",

"icon": "check"


"type": "checkbox"



"name": "Apartments"



The token is added as Authorization: Bearer header in postman. 

and lastly, the content type setting: 

Maybe I'm missing something obvious but why doesn't this post request work? Other post requests in the same base work fine (adding a record)




To answer my own question. For some reason this particular section of the API uses a different URL.


instead of
