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Hi everyone. I have been scratching my head for a while now, and looking at API docs seems to be impossible, however I have High hopes to make this happen.

I am using using filemaker to build API requests, I am already able to do a few transactions adding and retrieving records.

But when it comes to attachments I am hopeless.

I have lets say archive locally, I need to upload it via api and at some point download it back via API.

from my application (client) I am able to build simmilar transaction to dropbox:

–header Content-Type: application/octet-stream

–data-binary @$file"

ANYONE please help! and Thank you in advance

Hi Eugene, there is post about uploading images(attachments) on this forum. It has a link to my solution and I have written a blog post about how to do this. You find it here:

How to upload images to Airtable using their API | Chinara James

Airtable is a great service for developers to to easily create databases prototypes, small side projects, budget conscience clients and more. Airtable provides an easy to use API and a great…

I have other Airtable API related tutorialst too. You can also check out:

I used Cloudinary to manage the files. Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
