What are the acceptable colour choices for single/multi selects in scripting?
I've been creating new fields via a script and now I want to make a multi and single select, which is fine, I can do that much like so:
await table.createFieldAsync("new", "multipleSelects", {choices:[{name:"test"}]});
But all the colours become grey and I'd like to specify the colour of the tag (or randomise it). I know there's a `colour` option for the array, but the documentation doesn't specify or give examples of what this should look like other than it being a string.
I've tried using hex codes for colours, colour names etc., even the specific colour code of the default colours I can use, but I'm always getting this error message:
j: Can't create field: invalid field config. Failed schema validation: <root>.options.choices.0.color does not match one of the possible values
But I can't see anywhere that tells me what any of the "possible values" are!
Can anyone help?