This is my table: https://airtable.com/shr0FiM4g1quNwnpG.
It’s a table of our customers’ active licenses. Each license continue to be active until the customer calls us and terminates it. Then we remove the record from the table.
Start day = The date the customer signed the license.
Notice period (days) = The amount of days in which the customer need to terminate it’s license in advance. Otherwise the license is continued for another Agreement period.
Agreement period (months) = The amount of months the customer is tied to it’s license.
Tied until = The date the customer is tied to it’s license, I.e. Start day + Agreement period (months).
The problem:
I want the last field, Current possible termination date, to calculate a future date, that is the last day the customer is allowed to terminate it’s license. This date should be dynamic and based on today’s date and the criteria in the other fields. I’ve included some examples to show how it’s supposed to be calculated.
Please let me know if I need to clarify something! Thank you!