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My table has a Rollup field (let's call it 'Titles Field').

I used the ARRAYJOIN(values, ', '), so the titles are separated by commas.

However, I want to add a Formula Field that show only the Newest/Latest title added to the rollup field.

Please advise.

Unfortunately, Airtable doesn’t offer that function natively, even though customers have been requesting it for years & years. Be sure to report this as a feature request to

In the meantime, you will need to use the trick I outline in this episode of the BuiltOnAir podcast: 

If you have more questions, I may not see your followup questions here but you can find me & other Airtable experts here.

I believe the array displays in order from earliest linked to most recently linked, and so you could perhaps try using this in your rollup:





 Link to base
