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Hi. I am trying to construct a formula in a search records module. The module is the trigger and I've been trying:

AND({Ind Doc}!=BLANK(),(DATETIME_DIFF(NOW(),{Record Created}(),"days")=14))

('Ind Doc' is an attachment field)

Any help would be appreciated. TIA. 😊

You have an extra set of parenthesis after your field named Record Created. Also, remember that Make’s search module for Airtable only support valid Airtable formulas, so you can test your formulas by creating a formula field in Airtable and seeing if it works there.

You have an extra set of parenthesis after your field named Record Created. Also, remember that Make’s search module for Airtable only support valid Airtable formulas, so you can test your formulas by creating a formula field in Airtable and seeing if it works there.

Thank you @ScottWorld. Much appreciated. 😀
