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Hello to the AT community,

I need to list some related records with arrayjoin(linked field,"\n") in a formula field.

Unfortunately, this is not working on linked records as it is on lookup records. (See picture below).

I would d like to avoid creating 28+ additional lookup fields in the table (this is a person table linked with 28 project tasks table) to get the proper list with carriage return.

I will use this in automatic SendGrid mail blocks.

Does anyone knows how to arrajoin linked records instead of lookup records.

Thanks a lot.


ive been using airtable for a while now and i start to see how limited it is.

Hello Theirry,

I don’t know if you ever resolved this or if AT updated behind the scenes, but this formula is what works for me in both lookup and linked fields:

SUBSTITUTE(ARRAYJOIN({Linked_or_Lookup_Field)}),", ","\n")

Trying to put the “\n” inside the ARRAYJOIN function only works on rollup fields.

If you have a ", " already inside your {field}, then unfortunately, the substitute will also change that to a new line, too.
