I have a table where static information about my volunteers lives.
In it, I have a field (Static Notes) with an IF statement that looks to see if they have a check mark in "Qualified" (to walk dogs) and if they do, it returns "DDW" (designated dog walker), which then shows up on the schedule.
Can I write a nested IF statement that looks at a different field altogether (Training Status) and if they "Need More Training" returns "Trainee" in the Static Notes field (the same field where DDW would appear)?
Or do IF statements only distinguish between options in one field? And if that's true, how would I get various information (other qualifications, for example) to show up in my Static Notes field?
Thank you! (I'm learning all of this by feeling my way in the dark - appreciate everyone who is willing to take my elbow and keep me from crashing into furniture along the way!)