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Hello, I’m currently copying the formula from our excel file to airtable. But some of the formulas are having errors in Airtable.

Can someone help me what are the correct formula of these in Airtable to make it work?

Correct Formula for:

6mo Avg


6mo Avg%

{WIP: 6mon Ave$}/{Purchase Price}

ROI Growth

=iferror(Actual Growth on Purchase / Cash Required,)

COC Return

=iferror(Cashflow / Cash Required)

Total ROI

=iferror((Actual Growth on Purchase + Cashflow) / Cash required)


=iferror(PCM$ * (if(Month>6,6,“”)),“”)

Thank you

That is because Airtable’s formula use a different language from Excel. While some of the vocabulary and grammar is similar between the two languages (simple arithmetic) others are very different. There is no iferror in Airtable’s formula language, and Airtable formulas don’t start with equal signs.

I suggest looking at the Airtable formula reference to see what is available in Airtable.
