If you have commas in your string it'll add a quotation when copying I believe
If you have commas in your string it'll add a quotation when copying I believe
Not sure to understand sorry…
What is the connection | link between commas and " sign?
Could you send any screen shot. Sorry couldn't understand this issue. But looks easy fix.
Open the cell in the larger view (as if it were a long text field). Then select the text inside the editor to copy it.
The extra quotes get added when you select the entire cell in grid view and there is multi-line text.
This is the case I did not know
If you copy multi-line text (text with line break symbols)
single click and paste it into a field, the (") does not increase
edit the field and paste it, the (") is increased (when the text cursor is blinking in the field)
Open the cell in the larger view (as if it were a long text field). Then select the text inside the editor to copy it.
The extra quotes get added when you select the entire cell in grid view and there is multi-line text.
I saw this exactly but my topic is that doing this is longer.
I dynamically create SQL instructions and the behaviour I previously describe mix up the SQL code doubling " characters
This is the case I did not know
If you copy multi-line text (text with line break symbols)
single click and paste it into a field, the (") does not increase
edit the field and paste it, the (") is increased (when the text cursor is blinking in the field)
You put me on the right tracks. u r the king!
Airtable, as some spreadsheets, add " character once it detects CRLF inside the content. If no CRLF is detected Airtable does not add extra " character.
In my case I dynamically create some SQL instructions and the text data manipulated by SQL is HTML. So in that case CRLF is not useful 'cause HTML new line is coded <br />
I just dynamically deleted all CRLF (\n) values in my formula and BOUM now when I copy / paste I do not have any extra " characters.
Thanks a lot Sho for your help.