I am trying to use the CONCATENATE Function to create a primary field entry that returns something that looks like:
Lot-123b234 [Product Variety]
Seems pretty straightforward, but, the resulting entries come back with variable text formatting that seems to be related to the syntax of the text in one of the fields I am using.
For instance:
(This is good) --> if a particular entry in a text field being concatenated is Product Variety it works fine,
(This is bad) --> if a particular entry happens to have a Variety, Product syntax, the CONCATENATE Function result always shows “Variety, Product” (with the quotation marks magically appearing instead of just showing Variety, Product as I want it to)
What am I doing wrong? How can I convince the computer not to add quotation marks where I have not typed them myself? I need to retain the flexibility of the concatenated field to have text entries with both types of syntax and I don’t want the CONCATENATE Formula result to add quotation marks at all–and certainly not just for some of them!
Here’s the formula I’m using:
CONCATENATE({Lot Number}, " " ,{Crop}, “]”)
Case 1. If Lot Number = Lot-123 and Crop = Hot Pepper
CONCATENATE({Lot-123}, " T" ,{Hot Pepper}, “]”) = Lot-123 >Hot Pepper]
Case 2. If Lot Number = Lot-123 and Crop = Pepper, Hot
CONCATENATE({Lot-123}, " T" ,{Pepper, Hot}, “]”) = Lot-123 r“Pepper, Hot”]
I want Case 2 to come out Lot-123 tPepper, Hot]
I fear that this might have some connection to the fact that {Crop} field is actually a linked field that connects to a text field in a different table… maybe? or…?
Thanks for the guidance!