I am trying to create a field that concatenates two rollup fields that have the array(unique) formula in each of them. But the concatenated result eliminates the comma.
You can see in the 10th row, the comma between “Refugee Support” and “Water access, sanitation, and hygiene” is missing. Here’s what I used:
IF(OR({BACKEND_Subject Areas of Proposals as Lead}=BLANK(),{BACKEND_Subject Areas of Proposals as Partner}=BLANK()),
CONCATENATE(ARRAYUNIQUE({BACKEND_Subject Areas of Proposals as Lead},{BACKEND_Subject Areas of Proposals as Partner})),
CONCATENATE(ARRAYUNIQUE({BACKEND_Subject Areas of Proposals as Lead}& ", " &{BACKEND_Subject Areas of Proposals as Partner})))
For context: Each row is an organization that have submitted a proposal to us. I would like the field “Subject Areas of Proposal(s)” to be a tidy array of subject areas tied to that organization’s proposals, which they selected from a standard taxonomy list (Linked Record in the forms). Sometimes the organization is the lead in the proposal (which is one Rollup field with array(unique)), sometimes they are the partner (which is the other Rollup field with array(unique)). The “Subject Areas of Proposal(s)” field is my attempt to have all Subject Areas associated with that organization in one space, showing unique values only (so if the organization submitted 4 environment proposals, it wouldn’t say environment four times).