What can I use in a formula field to copy the date from one field to another without changing it into a text string?
For context, I have install dates and site visit dates in the same table, and the dates are in the same column for 'start' and 'end'. I am setting up 4 more fields (Site visit start, site visit end, install start, install end) that will remain blank if the date type does not match. However, I can't find any way to keep the date as a number/ date format and not a text string?
I basically just want to copy a date (unchanged, not adding or subtracting days or I could use DATEADD), but the only one I can find is DATETIME_FORMAT but this changes it into a string.
Can anyone help?
I understand I could use automations to copy the date, but I'm trying to limit my use of those because I am nearing the limit of automations per base! So a formula would be much better if possible.
Code I'm currently using is below:
{Date Type} = "Install",
{End} != 0,
{End} = 0,
), ""
Thanks so much in advance!