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Hello everyone,

We have a team of 10 persons that have a non-linear schedule (i.e., We are working between 1 and 5 days a week and those days varies from one week to the other).
We have defined a set a todos (4tasks) for each day. 
Every week (Sunday) we are assigning people to one of the 4 tasks for the week to come.
Based on that assignation, we want to automate daily slack send-out specifically to the person responsible of completing the task. 
The current way that we have a doing it is :
- a google sheet in which we enter the name of the responsible (one week in advance) for a specific task and day
- index(match()) formula to match the name and the slack ID on the gsheet
-zapier to copy everything to airtable  
-slack automation (with an if (date=today) then slack the ID)

We are trying to cut the gsheet to airtable automation, but we would need an equivalent to index(macth()) formula in airtable 
Does any one know one? 
Have you ever solved a similar issue?

Thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!

Once you've moved over the Slack IDs and names into Airtable, you could just use a "Find Record" automation to grab the Slack ID I reckon
