Quick one, I use date_add to calcuate a bunch of dates in different field. Now, I'm realising that even tho I use "Datetime_Format" airtable can't easily interpret those as dates if I want to sort by them or make timelines etc.
Here is an example of a date formula I use.
Now, as I need to sort by these for various views, use them in timelines, etc, I end up making a new field called "[date field] PARSED" which is just using the "Datetime_parse({CALCULATED DATEFIELD})." Is there a way to simplify this so I don't need 2 fields displaying the same date? I tried replacing the "datetime_format" wrapping on these with "Datetime_Parse" to no avail. I sort of understand that on the "IF" statement formulas, that it may not work, but I would've thought the latter formula could easily handle the datetime_parse formula.
I am trying to clean up bases as there are a LOT of fields in some of these that make it hard for new users, and even myself when it comes to tinkering the design.